Thursday fire report

Thursday, Oct. 25, 2007

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NASA satellite view of smoke, blowing west over the Pacific Ocean from California fires. Photo from 10 News website.

Photo by Mark Urich – Taken on October 23rd around 1 am. This is a view from the top of Brabham of the Harris fire taking over Mt San Miguel. 

Smoke & Ash

Things are looking better today. The fires are still burning, but not in our immediate area. The Santa Ana winds that had been blowing hot and strong from the desert are now abating – and the weather has changed enough to allow the winds to shift. We are now expecting “on shore flow” – breezes from the ocean.

The smoke and ash that blew out over the ocean will also come back in with the ocean breeze. Breathing conditions are poor - the particulate in the air is making everyone wheeze and experience sore throats. People with respiratory problems are really suffering.

Firefighting Helos in action - photo by Jason McCain 

Back Fires & Air Tankers

The firefighters have been fighting back successfully – when the winds and smoke allowed, the air tankers and helicopters doused the flames with fire retardant drops and water drops.

Remember, we don’t have much water in our reservoirs - the helicopters go to the nearest water reservoir, lower a suspended bucket, scoop up some water, return to the fire and drop their load on the flames.

Fire crews from all over the west have converged on Southern California - and they have allowed the fire crews already on site to rest, get some sleep & food, and they are slowly gaining a foothold.

The crews have been setting back-fires out ahead of the flames – these fires burn towards the wall of flames, and therefore the wildfire has no more fuel to burn.

Pets Evacuated, too.

People have evacuated WITH their animals when ever possible – horses, exotic animals, domestic cats & dogs. Along with the fire reporting has been a non-stop announcement of locations where pets are welcome - dogs & cats have been kept mostly in kennels and carriers - residents voluntarily brought tents and shade pop-ups (to shelter the pets from the overhead sun & heat).

Horses have been moved to the Del Mar Race track, to ball fields & a rodeo ground. My son Ryan saw several folks with their horse trailers at the local Costco, using the empty cart stalls to contain their horses!

Thank you for your kindness

I have received lovely notes from many of you. Thank you for your prayers and concern. We feel your love and support. Thank you so much!

Qualcom Stadium

The San Diego Chargers were scheduled to have a game in the stadium this weekend, and the game will be relocated to a different city. This is due to the evacuees still living at Qualcom, and the air quality being unsafe for all to breathe.

This is San Diego, NOT New Orleans / Katrina

Most striking to us is the overwhelming cooperation during this crisis – between citizens, city officials, state officials, local fire agencies, volunteers – everyone cooperating with kindness, calm & generosity. Although this was the largest evacuation in history (numbers of people) - it took place smoothly.

Entire towns & cities were evacuated, sheltered, and released back to their home once the fires roared through. Then the next endangered region was evacuated, and the process repeated. It was choreography of a different sort.

Looters will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law – and a few arrests have been made.

Great News Reporting

(click the link, below)

San Diego Union Tribune online – headline news

NBC broadcasting San Diego – headline news

ABC News – headline news

Google fire maps – interactive

CBS News – headline news – entire website dedicated to fire reporting & contact information

Homes Destroyed – list

Fox News, San Diego – headline news

2007 San Diego County wild fires – my photos from home – (Once you reach the WEBSHOTS page, click the SLIDE SHOW icon in the upper right corner menu. Adjust for a shorter time per slide (beneath photos) if you prefer.)

San Diego County Fire details – home addresses (burned) – all activity updated throughout the day

 Local Information - call 211 from within San Diego County:

The television news stations have been broadcasting 24 hours straight through. They have been our immediate source of information – as soon as any details were learned, they were broadcast. Ordinary citizens could call in and give eye witness accounts, and (once verified) the information was broadcast, including addresses of homes that were lost, homes that were saved , progress of fire location, number of tankers viewed, and much more.

The reporters have been positive, supportive & upbeat. When there was confusion, they quickly got on the task of clarification, checking facts, and making all information available. What a difference compared to typical sensationalistic reporting.

Citizens would call and volunteer space for people & pets. Evacuation centers would ask for donations of items such as refrigeration trucks, medication, water, Depends, food, pet food, hay, cots, etc. Businesses and citizens would drive the goods to the evacuation centers and drop them off.

The FEMA folks did come, and were responsive. This DID NOT happen immediately – it took a couple of days. President Bush & Arnold Schwartzenegger DID declare it a federal emergency and clear the way for low-cost federal loans.

Donations to Red Cross or Salvation Army

Thank you for your prayers & support - if you want to make a difference, please make a donation to the Red Cross or Salvation Army. You can designate the funds to support the fire recovery and those who have lost their homes, there should be a link or box to check.

Red Cross donations 

God bless you and your family - life is precious! Go out, love your family & friends, and make something beautiful today!   Jan

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