Program Chairman Information
Thank you for inquiring about my services! As an event organizer, you need information regarding workshops, programs, fees and more. The links below contain current details for your group's consideration.
Jan's Experience:
I have been teaching quilt classes since 1982, and teaching nationwide since 1996. My course instruction is step-by-step, encompassing a multitude of the fine details that ensure success. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Textiles, Clothing and Design, and have written three books in the field of quilt making.
I currently require a minimum of two teaching days in conjunction with a presentation (combination slide and quilt trunk show).
Neighboring groups routinely share travel expenses by hiring me to teach for more than one event/organization in a geographic region. This system is beneficial to all parties, resulting in lower transportation costs for the sponsoring events, and fewer travel days for me.
Lodging and travel:
Lodging, meals and transportation are provided by the sponsoring group. I request a safe private room and bath, preferably in a hotel with interior ground floor access (or a room located near the elevator if lodging is in a multi-floor facility) due to the heavy luggage and boxes that will be shipped.
If no suitable hotel lodging is available, please provide a private room and bath in the home of a qualified, reliable member. I have no allergies to food and prefer to eat healthy low-fat meals when possible. Please provide Internet connection capability (high speed cable modem or wireless) regardless of the lodging location - thank you!
Presentation equipment:
I travel with a laptop, mini camera and digital projector. Workshops are presented on a screen during the class period, integrating Powerpoint and live demonstration. The sponsoring event is required to provide basic equipment, enabling me to present the material effectively. (refer to Workshop & Lecture setup sheets, below).
Please click on the following links. Print the pages and file them for future reference.
Fee Schedule – Workshop Setup Sheet – Lecture Setup Sheet – About Jan (Biography) – Newsletter description
Please provide me with information for your event – Event Contact form
Thank you for contacting me! |